Deveto srečanje lokalne mreže deležnikov URGE projekta

Projekt URGE ( se počasi bližamo koncu. Projekt se osredotoča na tematike krožnega gospodarstva v gradbeništvu in industrijski partner v projektu je tudi Nigrad d.o.o.. Projekt bo zaključen v mesecu avgustu, do takrat pa je potrebno opraviti še zadnje obveznosti in aktivnosti.
Tako smo z našo skupino lokalnih deležnikov (ULG - URBACT Local Group), katera se redno sestaja ter uspešno s svojo strokovnostjo in znanjem dopolnjuje delovanje Nigrada v omenjenem projektu izvedli predzadnji sestanek, deveto srečanje deležnikov (25.5.2022), ki je po zelo dolgem času ponovno potekalo v živo, v prostorih Nigrada.

Na srečanju ULG smo se posvetili finalizaciji integriranega akcijskega načrta - Integrated Action Plan (IAP) ter se pogovorili o dopolnitvah in predlogih, ki so jih podali eksperti projekta URGE.

Najlepša hvala vsem našim članom ULG za njihovo aktivno sodelovanje, ideje in predloge pri oblikovanju načrta in aktivnostih projekta.


The 9th meeting of the URGE local stakeholders’ group

The URGE project ( is slowly coming to an end. In the project, we focus on the topic of the circular economy in construction. Nigrad is an industrial partner in the project. The project will end in August this year, and until then we have to work on the final activities and tasks.

With our group of local stakeholders (ULG - URBACT Local Group), which meets regularly and successfully complements the activities of Nigrad in the mentioned project with their expertise and knowledge, we had the penultimate meeting, the 9th UL meeting (on May 25, 2022) which was held in person, at Nigrad, after a long time of online meetings.

At our meeting, we focused on the finalization of the Integrated Action Plan (IAP) and discusses the suggestions and completions of the IAP given by the experts of the URGE project.

Thank you to all our ULG members and their contribution, support, and help while working on the project and preparing the IAP.


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obveščeni o vseh aktualnih zadevah.