Mednarodni sestanek projekta URGE – TEX4

Zelo uspešno podjetje Nigrad d.o.o. in izbrani projektni tim sodeluje v projektu URGE (, ki ga sofinancira Evropska komisija v okviru programa URBACT.

Ta teden, 10. in 11. maja je potekal že četrti mednarodni projektni sestanek projekta URGE (Transnational Meeting *TEX 4*). Sestanek je potekal pod okriljem mesta Kopenhagen in sicer online v okolju Zoom, zaradi trenutne situacije s pandemijo COVID-19 in posledično onemogočenih potovanj.

V toku sestanka smo se osredotočili na teme o metodah in potrebni infrastrukturi za predelavo in ponovno uporabo gradbenih odpadkov in materialov, zlasti uporabna IKT, banke materialov, potrebno ravnanje z materiali in viri ter t.i. potne liste za materiale (material passports).

Kolegi iz Kopenhagna, ki so organizirali sestanek, so povabili zanimive in vrhunske govorce, ki so predstavili dejanske aktivnosti mesta glede prej omenjene tematike. Timske aktivnosti in diskusije, ki so sledile vsem predstavitvam, so bile vsebinsko odlične in zelo plodne. Zelo se že veselimo naslednjega TEX sestanka, ki bo v mesecu juliju.


Transnational Meeting of the URGE Project – TEX4

We at Nigrad d.o.o. (our company and the selected project team) successfully participate in the URGE project (, co-financed by the European Commission under the URBACT program.

This week, from May 10 to 11 we had our fourth international project meeting of the URGE project (Transnational Meeting *TEX 4*). The meeting was hosted digitally by the city of Copenhagen, due to the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic and the travel restrictions. 

We were focusing on themes regarding methods and infrastructure for construction materials, especially on ICT, material banks, handling of materials and resources, and material passports. Colleagues from Copenhagen invited great speakers who talked about the good practices of the city of Copenhagen regarding the before-mentioned issues. The following discussions and teamwork activities were very productive and fruitful, and we are looking forward to the next TEX meeting in July.




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