Mednarodni sestanek projekta URGE – TEX6
Nigrad d.o.o. in izbrani projektni tim zelo uspešno sodeluje v projektu URGE (, ki ga sofinancira Evropska komisija v okviru programa URBACT.
Ta teden, 16. in 17. novembra je potekal že šesti mednarodni projektni sestanek projekta URGE (Transnational Meeting *TEX 6*). Tokrat je sestanek potekal pod našim okriljem, okriljem Nigrada. Ponovno smo TEX sestanek morali izvesti v online obliki v okolju Zoom zaradi trenutnih epidemioloških razmer.
Tematika sestanka je pokrivala področja krožnega gradbeništva, in sicer področje integracije, upravljanja ter materialnih potnih listov. Prav tako smo v okviru omenjenega dogodka namenili čas predstavitvi dobrih praks na področju krožnega gospodarstva v Mariboru, predvsem povezovanju in prenosu znanj med različnimi evropski razvojnimi projekti. To smo realizirali s pomočjo panelne diskusije, na kateri so sodelovali:
- Projekt GreenCycle – Klemen Risto BIZJAK, Mestna občina Maribor
- Urban soil 4 food – Igor KOS, Regionalna razvojna agencija za Podravje
- City Water Circles – Matej LEVSTEK & Aleš ERKER, Mariborski vodovod
- CINDERELA – Brina NOVAK, Nigrad d.o.o. in Regionalna razvojna agencija za Podravje
- RESTART – Tadej ŽURMAN, POR Consult d.o.o.
Vsem panelistom se za sodelovanje iskreno zahvaljujemo. Iskrena hvala tudi gospodu podžupanu, dr. Samu Peter Medvedu, ki je zbrane udeležence na začetku sestanka tudi nagovoril.
Dodatno smo izvedli digitalni študijski obisk (digital study visit) Nigrada ter naših demonstracijskih aktivnosti v okviru projekta CINDERELA in URGE v Dogošah.
V drugem delu TEX6 sestanka smo se posvetili pripravi osnutkov naših akcijskih načrtov ter s pomočjo povratnih informacij kolegov bomo dopolnitve in izboljšave teh načrtov lahko sedaj uspešno uresničili.
Udeleženci dogodka so organizacijo in izvedbo sestanka, panelno diskusijo in predstavitve dobrih praks, kakor tudi sam študijski obisk vrhunsko ocenili. Na to smo na Nigradu še posebej ponosni.
Zelo se že veselimo naslednjega TEX sestanka in upamo, da bo le-ta lahko končno potekal v živo in ne več online.
Transnational Meeting of the URGE Project – TEX6
Nigrad d.o.o. successfully participates together with other European project partners in the URGE project (, co-financed by the European Commission under the URBACT program.
This week, from November 16 to 17 we had our 6th international project meeting of the URGE project (Transnational Meeting *TEX 6*). The meeting was hosted digitally by us, by Nigrad. Unfortunately, it was again organized online, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic situation.
The topics of the meeting covered the areas of circular construction, namely the areas of integration, governance, material passports. As part of the event, we also devoted time to the presentation of good practices in the field of circular economy in Maribor, especially the connection and transfer of knowledge between different EU projects. We realized this with the help of a panel discussion in which we invited the following panelists:
- GreenCycle – Klemen Risto BIZJAK, Municipality of Maribor
- Urban soil 4 food – Igor KOS, The Regional Development Agency for Podravje
- City Water Circles – Matej LEVSTEK & Aleš ERKER, Maribor water supply
- CINDERELA – Brina NOVAK, Nigrad d.o.o.
- RESTART – Tadej ŽURMAN, POR Consult d.o.o.
A special thank you to all the panelists for their cooperation and their inputs. A sincere thank you also to the Deputy Mayor, dr. Samo Peter Medved, who also addressed the gathered participants at the beginning of the meeting.
In addition, we carried out a digital study visit to Nigrad and our demonstration activities within the CINDERELA and URGE project in Dogoše.
In the second part of the TEX6 meeting, we focused on reviewing the draft action plans, and with the help of the carried-out peer-review, we will now be able to successfully implement additions and improvements to these draft plans.
The participants of the event evaluated the organization and implementation of the meeting highly, as well as the panel discussion, the presentations of good practices, and the study visit itself. We at Nigrad are very proud of that.
We are now looking forward to the next TEX meeting and we hope that it will finally be able to take place in person and not online anymore.