Nigrad je s projektom URGE sodeloval na ELGIP kick-off sestanku delovne skupine za trajnostni razvoj
V četrtek, 21.4.2022 je potekal kick-off sestanek delovne skupine »Trajnostni razvoj / Sustainability« organizacije ELGIP (European Large Geotechnical Institutes Platform: Ta se je na novo oblikovala in član le-te je tudi dr. Bojan Žlender iz Fakultete za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, ki pa je tudi član ULG (URBACT Local Group – skupine lokalnih deležnikov) URGE projekta.
Na povabilo dr. Žlendra, smo se tudi mi iz Nigrada omenjenega dogodka udeležili. ULG koordinatorica, mag. Nuša Lazar je na omenjenem dogodku bila gostujoči govornik ter je predstavila Nigrad in udeležence seznanili z aktivnostmi projekta URGE, ki ga na Nigradu izvajamo. Vsekakor je naš projekt URGE z našo Small Scale Activity (posebnim fizičnim prikazom projektnih aktivnosti na primeru proizvodnje urbane opreme) kot primer dobre prakse in delovanja na področju krožne ekonomije v gradbeništvu in trajnostnega delovanja na področju gradbenih odpadkov zelo navdušil. V okviru mreženja po dogodku smo navezali nekaj zanimivih in potencialnih kontaktov za prihodnja projekta sodelovanja.
Nigrad participated in ELGIP work-group on sustainability kick-off meeting with the URGE project
Last week I had the opportunity to present our #URGE project (URBACT scheme) at #. The meeting was held blended (in #Maribor and #online). I presented our activities at the #URGE project, the efforts of our team (Tomislav Ploj and Borut Hojnik), and the Small Scale Activity (#SSA) which we successfully implemented. Thank you, prof. Bojan Žlender for the invitation to be a guest speaker at your meeting.
This has been newly formed and established and a member of it is also prof. Bojan Žlender from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture at the University of Maribor, who is also a member of the ULG (URBACT Local Group) of the URGE project.
At the invitation of prof. Žlender, we from Nigrad also attended the event. ULG coordinator, Nuša Lazar, M.Sc. was a guest speaker at the event and introduced Nigrad and acquainted the participants with the activities of the URGE project, which is being implemented at Nigrad.
Certainly, our URGE project with our Small Scale Activity (a special physical display of project activities as a case of urban fixture production) is a great example of circular construction and sustainable activities in the field of construction waste and was very inspiring for the participants of the event. As part of networking after the event, we made some interesting and potential contacts for future projects cooperation.