URGE video – Nigrad
V okviru projekta URGE (https://urbact.eu/urge), katerega partner je tudi Nigrad, smo se odločili, da bo vsak partner pripravil kratki video. S tem je vsak projektni partner pokazal, zakaj je krožno gospodarstvo v gradbeništvu pomembno in zakaj je smiselna za vsako mesto. S temi videi različne deležnike in celotno EU publiko popeljemo v smeri trajnostne prihodnost in jih zanjo navdušimo.
V toku trajanja projekta je tako nastalo 9 zelo zanimivih in poučnih kratkih videov na temo krožnega gospodarstva v gradbeništvu. Vsi videi so dostopni na URGE YouTube kanalu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq7OkzPPEhgWXZ_ooqMgtFA/videos
Z veseljem vam predstavljamo naš video za projekt URGE. V videu prikazujemo prizadevanja za uvajanje sekundarnih surovin (secondary raw materials - SRM) v gradbeništvo. S pridobljenimi izkušnjami iz drugih EU projektov ter z novimi idejami in trudom smo iz recikliranih agregatov izdelali urbano opremo - klopi z nosilcem za kolesa. Klopi so izdelane iz recikliranih materialov: betona, lesa in kovine. Zaradi svojih značilnosti je arhitektura klopi zanimiva, saj nam pokaže znanje povezano s preprostostjo in ponovno uporabo materialov.
URGE City Video – Nigrad
As part of the URGE project (https://urbact.eu/urge), of which Nigrad is also a partner, we decided that each partner would prepare a short video. That is how each partner showed why circularity in the construction sector is important and why it is sensible for each city. With these videos, different stakeholders and the entire EU community is educated and led in the direction of a sustainable future and making them enthusiastic about it.
During the project, 9 very interesting and informative short videos were created on the topic of the circular economy in the construction sector. All videos are available on the URGE YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq7OkzPPEhgWXZ_ooqMgtFA/videos
We are happy to present you with our city video for the URGE project. In the video, we show the efforts to introduce secondary raw materials (SRM) in the construction sector. With the lessons learned at other EU projects and with new ideas and efforts, we produced micro-urban fixtures out of recycled aggregates - benches with a bicycle rack. The benches are made of recycled materials: concrete, wood, and metal. Due to its characteristics, the architecture of a bench is interesting because it shows us lessons related to simplicity and the reuse of materials.