Zaključna konferenca v okviru evropskega projekta Urbana zemljina za hrano
V četrtek, 9.9.2021 je v Mariboru potekala zaključna v okviru evropskega projekta Urbana zemljina za hrano (Urban Soil for Food – US4F), na kateri je sodeloval tudi Nigrad ter predstavil svoja dva projekta krožnega gospodarstva, CINDERELA in URGE.
Namen konference je bil:
- uvajanje novega koncepta rabe javnega prostora z aktiviranjem neuporabnih javnih površin,
- razvoj trajnostne lokalne preskrbe s hrano in pridelava sveže hrane za gospodinjstva,
- soustvarjanje zelenih površin v mestu, medgeneracijsko druženje in učenje,
- pridobivanje kompetenc s področja ekološkega in permakulturnega vrtnarjenja in
- promocija aktivnega življenja ter razvijanje in krepitev prostovoljstva.
- Dodatno je bil namen konference predstaviti tudi druge dobre prakse delovanja na področju krožnega gospodarstva v različnih segmentih v Mestni občini Maribor.
V okviru konference so potekale prav tako tematske delavnice, kjer je tudi podjetje Nigrad predstavilo svoja prizadevanja na področju krožnega gospodarstva, na področju krožnega gradbeništva. Skupaj z Zavodom za gradbeništvo Slovenije (ZAG) smo izvedli delavnico na temo krožnega gradbeništva s predstavitvijo projektov CINDERELA (shema H2020) in URGE (shema URBACT).
Udeleženci konference so bili tako z vsebino osrednjega dogodka, kakor tudi z izvedbo tematskih delavnic zelo zadovoljni ter so izrazili interes za različne aktivnosti krožnega gospodarstva tudi v prihodnje.
Final conference within the EU project Urban soil for food– US4F
On Thursday, 9 September 2021, the closing ceremony of the European project Urban Soil for Food (US4F) took place in Maribor, where also Nigrad participated and presented its two circular economy projects, CINDERELA and URGE.
The purpose of the conference was:
- introduction of a new concept of the use of public space by activating unusable public spaces,
- development of sustainable local food supply and production of fresh food for households,
- co-creation of green spaces in the city, intergenerational socializing, and learning,
- acquisition of competencies in the field of organic and permaculture gardening and
- promotion of active life and development and strengthening of volunteering.
- In addition, the purpose of the conference was to present other good practices in the field of circular economy in various segments in the Municipality of Maribor.
The conference also included thematic workshops, where the company Nigrad also presented its efforts in the field of circular economy, in the field of circular construction. Together with the Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG), we led a workshop on the topic of circular construction with a presentation of the CINDERELA (H2020 scheme) and URGE (URBACT scheme) projects.
The participants of the conference were very satisfied with the content of the main event, as well as with the implementation of thematic workshops, and expressed interest in various activities in the field of circular economy in the future.