Zaključni dogodek projekta URGE v Utrechtu
Projekt URGE (Circular building cities), katerega partner je tudi Nigrad, se zaključuje v mesecu avgustu. Projekt je trajal 2 leti in se izvaja pod okriljem mreže URBACT (
6. in 7. julija je v Utrechtu pod okriljem koordinatorja projekta, mesta Utrecht, potekal zaključni dogodek projekta. Na dogodku so sodelovali predstavniki različnih evropskih organizacij s področja krožne ekonomije in trajnostnega razvoja s poudarkom na krožnem gradbeništvu. Tudi predstavniki Nigrada so se dogodka udeležili in med drugim predstavili pripravljeni integrirani akcijski načrt - Integrated Action Plan (IAP), kateri je eden izmed rezultatov projekta in ga je vsak partner projekta pripravil zase na osnovi lokalni specifik.
V času trajanja projekta je celotni konzorcij projekta pripravil več različnih dokumentov s področja krožnega gradbeništva, kateri so bili na zaključnem dogodku predstavljeni: od študij primerov, do različnih intervjujem z eksperti, kakor tudi različna tematska poročila. Vse te vsebine so zbrane v 3 različnih e-knjigah, ki so priložene.
Na dogodku v Utrechtu je bilo predstavljeno tudi pripravljeno Finalno poročilo (Final Network Report – FNP), ki je prav tako priloženo.
ULG koordinatorji vseh partnerjev projekta, pa so sprejeli in podpisali tudi Priporočila mreže URGE za spodbujanje krožnega gospodarstva v gradbeništvu na lokalni ravni ter jih predali predstavnikom EU. Priporočila so prav tako priložena.
Projektni partnerji, kakor koordinator projekta ter predstavniki URBACT sekretariata so rezultate projekta, kakor tudi URGE projektni tim pohvalili kot enega bolj izjemnih v zadnjem času ter izrazili veliko podporo predlaganim rešitvam.
The closing event of the URGE project in Utrecht
The URGE (Circular building cities) project, of which Nigrad is also a partner, ends in August. The project lasted 2 years and is implemented under the auspices of the URBACT network (
On July 6 and 7, the closing event of the project took place in Utrecht, hosted by the lead partner, the City of Utrecht. The event was attended by representatives of various European organizations from the field of circular economy and sustainable development with an emphasis on circular construction. Representatives of Nigrad also attended the event and, among other things, presented the prepared Integrated Action Plan (IAP), which is one of the results of the project and was prepared by each project partner based on local specifics.
During the duration of the project, the entire project consortium prepared several documents in the field of circular construction, which were presented at the final event: from case studies to various interviews with experts, as well as various thematic reports. All this content is collected in 3 different e-booklets that are attached.
The prepared Final Network Report (FNP) was also presented at the event in Utrecht, which is also attached.
The ULG coordinators of all project partners also accepted and signed the Recommendations from the URGE-network on boosting circularity in the construction sector at local level and handed them over to the EU representatives. The mentioned recommendations are also attached.
Project partners, the lead partner, and representatives of the URBACT Secretariat praised the results of the URGE project, as well as the URGE project team, as one of the most outstanding in recent times, and expressed support for the proposed solutions.